Following are the protocols and preventive measures which are adopted by GVM on a daily basis for the treatment of Covid positive patients in the Covid Care Centre and for preventing the staff members from being infected:
1. Yoga and prayanam session in the morning
2. Sun bath atleast for an hour in a day
3. Avoid being in a air conditioned room for ling time
4. Practice the process of steam inhalation or jal neti on a regular basis
5. Always take nutritious food and aviod cold and fried eatables
6 Always take luke warm water.
7. Take Sarvjvarhar churna and Shubrabhasm capsule on a daily basis to boost your immunity. And for infected patient, the churna should be taken three times a day in about 7 gms quantity.
8. Balarishtam and Vasakadyarishtam should also taken after breakfast for an infected patients.
9. Keep the surrondings clean and sanitized and take a good sleep.
All the staff members of Gandhi vidya mandir are taking Sarvjvarhar churna on a daily basis i.e., 3 gms in quantity and so far no one has been infected till now. It is very effective and a person can take this churna even for his/her entire life to keep himself/herself save.
For better understanding please watch the entire video till end.